Publicația industriei TECH regionale

Build APIs using Serverless with Simona Cotin, Developer Advocate at Microsoft

On August 16th, at 6pm there is going to take place a special event at Fab Lab Iași: Build APIs using Serverless with Simona Cotin, Developer Advocate at Microsoft.

Serverless lets you focus on coding and testing instead of provisioning infrastructure, configuring web servers, debugging your configuration, managing security settings, and all the drudgery normally associated with getting an app up and running.
In this session, you’ll discover how to migrate an API of an existing app to Azure Functions. You’ll learn how to use Visual Studio Code and the Azure Functions extension to speed up your work.
After this session, you’ll join the ranks of serverless developers!
Simona Cotin, is a web developer with a passion for teaching. She spends most of her time tinkering with JavaScript in the cloud and sharing her experience with other developers at community events like meetups and conferences or online.
As a Cloud Developer Advocate, Simona engages with the web community to help create a great developer experience with Azure. She loves shipping code to production and has built network data analytics platforms using Angular, Typescript, React, and Node.
If you think it’s interesting and you want to know more, come with us! But first, complete the registration form here or check out the event on facebook.
If you want to know more about events that are happening, click here.

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