Publicația industriei TECH regionale

Spring School at UAIC Iași

Faculty of Computer Science and Orange, through Orange Educational Program, organize between April 8th -12th  the Spring School for students on topics such as: Cloud Computing (Applications, Security), Mobile communications, 5G systems and IoT.

The Spring School had started on January 12th 2019 with an introductory course.

You can find the April courses and other details in thisprogram.

If you are a student and you want to put in practice the theoretical concepts learnt at the Faculty, acquiring, at the same time, technical skills, team-working abilities and improving yout communication skills in a professional working environment, these courses were made for you!

The future is in your hands!

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START Nominalizări PIN AWARDS 2024!

Industria regională de TECH se pregătește să celebreze o nouă serie de recunoașteri prin Gala PIN AWARDS 2024, care va avea loc joi, 23 mai


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