Publicația industriei TECH regionale

Romanian Outsourcing Awards for Excellence 2017, May 11

Outsourcing Today, the integrated communication platform of the business services sector, presents the Third Edition of the annual Romanian Outsourcing Awards for Excellence.
The elite event that recognizes, rewards and celebrates the success of the most prominent companies acting in the Outsourcing – BPO, ITO and SSC industry in Romania, will be held on May
The Gala event benefits from the support of diamond partner Wipro, gold partners CIMA, Genpact, Societe Generale European Business Services, partner Vastint, with the support of Invest Romania, Think Ahead ACCA, Outsourcing Advisors, ANIS, ClujIT and Extind.
The event will be hosted by Mr. Colin C Lovering, Chairman of British Romanian Chamber of Commerce.
The awards categories in the Romanian Outsourcing Excellence Awards for 2016 are aimed at recognizing the exceptional results of both the companies and organizations and the professionals who contributed to the development of projects and business climate in the services business in Romania.
All applications are judged by a Judging Panel formed of prominent names in business, government and academic society the event is a must attend in the Romanian Outsourcing events calendar. The jury is formed by:
Radu Puchiu, Secretary of State, Government of Romania
Carmen Adamescu, Partner, E&Y
Andrei Romanescu, CEO, Veeam
Krzysztof Kmuk, Emerging Markets Development Manager, CIMA CEE
Amalia Sterescu, CEO, Outsourcing Advisers
Valerica Dragomir, Executive Director, ANIS
Mihaela Robu, Business Development Manager, ACCA South-Eastern Europe
Ionut Anica-Popa, Director Department for the Relation with the SocioEconomic Environment, ASE
Dan Zaharia, Senior Leasing Consultant, EXTIND Management
The Jury will designate winners to 17 categories: COMPANY AWARDS (BPO Company of the Year; SSC Company of the Year; ITO Company of the Year; Employer of the Year in Outsourcing; Advisory Company of the Year; Best Start-up of the Year), INDIVIDUAL AWARDS (Outsourcing Professional of the Year; Best Community Leader; Industry CEO of the Year; Romanian Entrepreneur of the Year; Award for the most admired entrepreneur of the outsourcing industry), PROJECT AWARDS (CSR Initiative of the Year; Best Academic Program of the Year; Best Educational Project of the Year (non-academic) ; Best Office Development for BPO/SSC sector in Bucharest; Best Office Development for BPO/SSC sector in Tier 2&3; Best Real Estate Advisor for the Outsourcing Industry; Best Process Improvement/ Optimization Initiative)
The Gala event will gather important representatives from the Romanian government, senior figures from Romania’s business and civil society and the Outsourcing sector community at top level.
Nominations must be submitted via the Application Form.
Nominations must be submitted via email to [email protected] / [email protected].
The deadline for all nominations is 25th of April, 2017. Nominate your industry champion!

Distribuie și tu:

START Nominalizări PIN AWARDS 2024!

Industria regională de TECH se pregătește să celebreze o nouă serie de recunoașteri prin Gala PIN AWARDS 2024, care va avea loc joi, 23 mai


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