Publicația industriei TECH regionale

Join the 2022 InnovX – BCR Scaleup Cohort 

This summer, InnovX-BCR is scouting for the best tech companies that will take their place on the main-stage of innovation in CEE. 

🚀 Are you looking to elevate your innovative solution internationally and find new strategic clients in your target markets? 

🚀 Do you want to connect with an exclusive network of visionary companies, investors such as Catalyst Romania, Eleven Ventures, Impact Ventures, Fortech Investments, Sparking Capital, Zas Ventures, along with mentors and global partners such as Microsoft, UiPath, IBM, Oracle, Colliers, DLA Piper, EY. 

They will award max 20 fully-paid scholarships for a 6-week online acceleration program on innovation, business, finance and tech, followed by a multitude of opportunities for the winners. Apply here and get access to the best support for disrupting the international scene. 

What are your benefits? 

✔️gain trust by winning public partnerships with Global Service Providers (i.e Microsoft, UiPath, EY, IBM, Oracle, etc) 

✔️finance your growth and commercialization plans by gaining access to our network of investors and financing experts 

✔️get your business noticed worldwide through a strong marketing campaign  

✔️get the chance to build your portfolio of POCs with renowned corporations through our network 

✔️only the best will come with us to an exclusive USA Bootcamp, designed to scale your solution to the US market 

What are the eligibility criteria? 

📌registered as a company in any technological sector in CEE 

📌cumulated turnover or attracted financing/investmentof over 500k € 

 Apply here until the 19th of August.

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