Publicația industriei TECH regionale

Hurry up! 21st of February is the last day of registration in the business accelerator InnovX by BCR

Hey Innovator!

2020 brings new great opportunities for your startup! Let us announce our new InnovX Startups Cohort that will start recruitment for its next batch of innovators. This year, the Xeleration program is even more exciting as:

  • We will start recruitment in 3 cities: Iasi, Cluj, Bucharest, to get closer to great innovators in all 3 Romanian regions;
  • We introduced a 2-week incubation phase for 20 startups in each of our 3 locations: FabLab Iasi, The Office Cluj-Napoca, and Mindspace Bucharest where you will refine your business plan;
  • Up to 12 startups will be selected for the 6 weeks Xeleration phase, you will have your office in the beautiful Mindspace Business District to meet potential clients, investors, and partners;
  • You will refine your business proposition by using proven methodologies like the Blue Ocean Strategy, Business Model Generation, Disciplined Entrepreneurship;
  • You will learn and be certified in high competitive courses provided through platform founded by Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology;
  • You will develop an application for the most competitive European Grants program: Horizon 2020, EIC Accelerator, with the possibility to attract blended finance for RDI up to 2,5 M Eur in grants and 7,5 M Eur equity investment;
  • We will exercise the perfect pitch in all formats: 60 sec elevator pitch, 5 min fire pitch and the 15 min European H2020 pitch format;
  • Our mentors will assist you to realize business plans adapted to all types of financing: banking loans, European grants, equity investments;
  • Participate in workshops with experts in finance, law, intellectual property, marketing, branding, negotiations, sales;
  • Develop your leadership skills and the ability to attract and motivate a dynamic team;
  • Top 10 startups will have the opportunity to expose its innovation at Europe – Asia Connect Conference in Tbilisi, Georgia organized by Startup Grind in partnership with Google for Startups and pitch in front of investors from Silicon Valley;
  • If you will finalize the Xeleration phase you can enter for testings and validations with BCR and other big corporations and even win them as angel clients;
  • And much more. Browse our 2019 InnovX Xeleration on Linkedin and Facebook.

Are you ready to face InnovX Xelerator challenge! Apply on until:

• 21 February Iasi;

• 20 March Bucharest. 

During 2020, the costs of the InnovX Xeleration program are covered by our strategic partner: Banca Comerciala Romana.

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