DevExperience, The Absolutely Normal International IT Conference in Iasi, powered by IT’s Wise is at the 2nd edition, as expected.
This is the first international conference where software developers from all over the world bring their real & valuable findings to our community in Iasi.
It is structured as a training event where experienced people share the latest in practices, tools and technology with a local community eager to learn and improve.
You get the chance to meet open minded professionals covering different roles in building a software project. From Business Analysts, Product Managers, Technical Leads, DevOps and QA Engineers, everyone can find valuable information and advice, learn new skills and practices.
0758077920, Iuliana Anton; [email protected]
0744678472, Liviu Costea; [email protected]
Carmen Ciulacu, CEO şi Co-fondator, Digital Stack – dezvoltator de cursuri personalizate de IT pentru angajaţi: „Oamenii sunt în centrul activității noastre. Am reușit să redefinim educația în IT din România”
Digital Stack a devenit, încă din 2019 – anul lansării, un partener esențial pentru companiile care își doresc să rămână competitive într-un mediu aflat în