Publicația industriei TECH regionale

Codecamp Iași, 5-14 May 2017

Tribute to the fact that Codecamp started in Iasi 10 years ago, we are planning a whole week filled with interesting events. Moreover, when we said “taking it to the next level” we were also referring to the new format that Codecamp Iasi will have this year.
Spanning from the 5th to the 16th of May, it will feature numerous workshops, talks, presentations, contests and community building activities.
Here is a first look at how everything will take place in Iasi:

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START Nominalizări PIN AWARDS 2024!

Industria regională de TECH se pregătește să celebreze o nouă serie de recunoașteri prin Gala PIN AWARDS 2024, care va avea loc joi, 23 mai


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