Publicația industriei TECH regionale

What we did and what we will do next


The IT industry in Romania is a lesson of success

The IT industry, as it is already known, is one of the fundamental Romanian industries, which contributed in 2020 to almost 6.2% of the gross domestic product (direct indirect and induced impact), amounting to almost 13.6 billion euros, according to a study conducted by Roland Berger in 2021 at the request of the Employer’s Association of the Software and Services Industry (ANIS) of which Beenear is a member. 

As stated by the same study, in 2020 IT services had the second largest contribution to total exports of services of Romania and also every 10 employees in the software and IT services industry supported another 10.5 jobs in the rest of the Romanian economy.  

Between 2015 and 2020 IT industry from Romania was located in the top 5 employing industries in the period 2015-2020, accorded to the same source above.

If, on the one hand, the IT industry contributes to the growth of the country, on the other, the country contributes to the growth of the IT industry, in a continuous exchange, which concerns not only the purely technical or fiscal aspects, but an integration tout court that sees the IT company strongly present also in the social as well as economic fabric of the society.

We sign the Romanian Diversity Charter

Beenear, present in the IT sector in Iasi since 2004, has always been and continues to be fully involved in this interaction.

The most recent initiative, on the occasion of Beenear’s 18th birthday, was  to sign on September 2022, the Romanian Diversity Charter (Carta Diversitatii). 

This is how we are firmly committed to protecting, enforcing and promoting values such as dignity, freedom, equality, solidarity, justice and the rights of every citizen among our employees, and we are very proud to have been the first company located in Iasi to have joined this entity which is part of the EU Platform of Diversity Charters created by the European Commission in 2010 with the aim of supporting the development and exchange of good practices between member states.

With this gesture, which is fundamental for us, we intend to make a gift not only to all the people in the company but to our entire community, striving to create a more equitable society by proposing diversity, or rather, equality, and inclusion, in terms of Gender, Racial Origin or Ethnicity, Color, Religion or Credo, Genetic Features and Disability, Age and LGBTIQ Identity.

In Beenear there is no distinction between people: we want to intensively disseminate this message and we will strive to ensure that these values are shared with all the members of our company, through specific training tools. 

We are among first companies in Iași to offer financial education

Education in all its form, in fact, is one of the areas on which IT companies have and must have an important role. Management, administration, programming, all IT services are something in which it is needed to be constantly updated, so it is important to cultivate relationships with schools, universities, NGO for education, various training institutions, informal schools, etc.

Beenear has always been on that, from the very earlier beginning, 18 years ago, as we are not preoccupied only in the present but also in the future of the society.

We were, in fact, among the first companies in Iasi to offer financial education training and to have had an Academy-type initiative for the training of internal staff. 

We are continuing on this path: on one hand, we promote the education in the company, so we offer to our employees the possibility of collaboration to create an inclusive and collaborative society with actions like the participation to specialized courses such as .NetDays in Iasi, workshop dedicated to programming in Romania and abroad, certifications, internal training, mentoring and tutoring internally of our team,  on the other hand, we hire persons who were not IT specialists, but were reconverted through informal schools.

We continue to support education in schools

With a view to reciprocity between IT company and society, we also supported and continue to support education in schools (elementary and university). 

We recently launched a books donation initiative for schools, the Beenear Book Drive: inspired by our friends from Asociaţia Zi De Bine, we are collecting right now children’s books for the library of the George Enescu School in Moinești. 

As many others IT company in Iasi, each year Beenear partners up with our friends from Fundaţia Serviciilor Sociale Bethany to support their well-known initiative called “The scholarship program for the education of rural youth – START”. Through this initiative we are supporting high school children throughout the entire school year. We are looking for to meet them and to introduce them to our team. 

Always in collaboration with Fundaţia Serviciilor Sociale Bethany, we supported the remote education during the pandemic period, donating laptops for children who benefit from their services.

Beenear is also sponsor of competitions in schools for training on safety at work and supports sport and musician associations.

In the last year, moreover, Beenear became a member of ANIS, Employer’s Association of the Software and Services Industry, and is active in the Anis Education Task Force and Anis Fiscal Task Force.

Social causes and the environment protection

Beyond education, how else can IT companies impact life not only in our region but also outside our borders? Certainly by supporting social causes and intervening in the environment protection.

As most of the IT Romanian companies did, Beenear supported through donations the local authorities and  Fundaţia Comunitară Iaşi during the COVID pandemic and for Ukrainian citizens affected by the war („Appeal for solidarity” emergency fund).

Furthermore, trees have been planted on behalf of Beenear employees in the past years and also, trees have been planted on behalf of our employees by Vargroup, the group Beenear is part of since 2021.

In light of the recent crisis in the energy sector, we are developing a policy on how to use resources intelligently and efficiently to avoid waste.

The IT industry contributes also to the digitization of the country, acting both in the sector of public institutions and in society in general.

The positive impact is also obvious with regard to the real estate sector, Iasi is an excellent example that demonstrates how the advancement of the IT sector has allowed the city to grow and develop by creating new and modern office buildings and improving the appearance of the city.

With all these examples, we just have to wish everyone great successes and continuous evolution! 

Ad majora!

Daniela Vallo

CEO, Beenear

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