Publicația industriei TECH regionale

Start.Up roadshow 2018 in Germany

The German-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK Romania) invites you to the Start.Up roadshow 2018 in Germany! 

Join us for a 5-day guided tour to Cologne, Düsseldorf and the Ruhr area, Germany’s industrial heartland: 

  • explore some of Germany’s most promising startup hotspots
  • connect to peers and talent
  • build a feeling of what drives the German ’startup-scene’
  • get a grasp of current developments in the market
  • meet potential customers, partners or investors
  • meet with 300+ startups, 200+ corporates and 50+ top speakers at RuhrSummit in Bochum, one of Germany’s biggest startup events, offering Pitch Contests, Match-Makings and fun.

Date: 7th – 13th October 2018
Up to three startups from Romania with convincing solutions in the fields of

  • InsurTech
  • Smart City
  • Logistics/Mobility

can participate in this trip to Germany and have the possibility to win the grand prize of 5000 Euro, if they make it to the pitch final during the„International Summit“ of RuhrSummit 2018 in Bochum.

Admission conditions:

  • Startup is in the “market testing” phase
  • Startup has a scalable business model with an international approach

See the website with full program and more info here (preliminary schedule also attached).
Fee: 980 EUR – transportation costs to Germany & accommodation.
Covered by the program: entire program management in Germany, transportation within Germany, admission to RuhrSummit, coordination of B2B meetings.
For registration, please fill out the following form: – it should not take more than 5-10 minutes of your time.
Deadline of application: 24th August 2018.
For any further questions do not hesitate to get in touch with us!
If you want to know more about similar events, check out here!

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START Nominalizări PIN AWARDS 2024!

Industria regională de TECH se pregătește să celebreze o nouă serie de recunoașteri prin Gala PIN AWARDS 2024, care va avea loc joi, 23 mai


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