Publicația industriei TECH regionale

Scale Match #5, proiect propus de Techcelerator

Hi there !

Techcelerator is the tech startups accelerator targeting SEE and being backed by the GapMinder VC fund.

We have been fueling Romanian startups for more than 4 years, helping them to grow and scale their solution internationally. Now we are targeting the SEE region and we are trying to bring our contribution and expertise to grow the regional startup ecosystem and enhance the investment readiness of the companies.

We are organizing Scale Match #5 focused on HealthTech and SaaS / Enterprise Solutions , an event dedicated to the SEE region that will bring together high-potential startups, tech investors, and corporate representatives. Our commitment is to support the growth of top-notch founders that develop highly scalable solutions from the SEE and we would love to partner up with you in this endeavor.

Scale Match, first 4 editions in a nutshell:

👉 50 investors & corpos out of 14 countries

👉 293 match meetings 

👉 85 startups matched

👉 228 applications out of 28 countries

👉 Two days of connections, partnerships, and open doors for investments

Do you have some  HealthTech or SaaS / Enterprise Solutions rocket talents that you’ve worked with/accelerated?  We would love to hear some recommendations from you about your country’s future unicorns. 

Event data: March 29-30 (online)

Organizer: Techcelerator, tech startups accelerator targeting SEE, backed by the GapMinder VC fund.

Applications: All year round, with cutt-of date for Edition #5 HealthTech and SaaS / Enterprise Solutions  on March 17th.

With this 2-day event, Scale Match will bring together:

  • 20+ selected tech startups from SEE developing HealthTech and SaaS / Enterprise Solutions solutions;
  • 15+ top investors and corporates looking for investment and partnering opportunities;

Would you recommend some start-ups to get in touch with? Also, if you consider this to be a good opportunity to the investors that you are working with, let us know.

Apply here to Scale Match #5.

If you like the idea, below you can find one social media call to action.

Happy to have a follow up with you.

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START Nominalizări PIN AWARDS 2024!

Industria regională de TECH se pregătește să celebreze o nouă serie de recunoașteri prin Gala PIN AWARDS 2024, care va avea loc joi, 23 mai


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