2016 was a great year, but we hope 2017 to be even better.
To make this happen we need to plan things ahead.
We already have several projects rolling and others on the board, but we need want your opinions and need your help to make all of them happen and offer as much value as possible back to the community.
We invite you to join us in an Open Talk to go over what happened in 2016 and plan 2017.
You will all have the chance to talk so please make sure you have a working microphone.
The link to the conference: facebook.com/events
Carmen Ciulacu, CEO şi Co-fondator, Digital Stack – dezvoltator de cursuri personalizate de IT pentru angajaţi: „Oamenii sunt în centrul activității noastre. Am reușit să redefinim educația în IT din România”
Digital Stack a devenit, încă din 2019 – anul lansării, un partener esențial pentru companiile care își doresc să rămână competitive într-un mediu aflat în