Publicația industriei TECH regionale

IASI – well represented at European level in the Outsourcing industry

The city of IASI, CONDUENT and FAB LAB IASI are nominees in the CEE Shared Services and Outsourcing Awards Gala, which will take place in Poland, Warsaw between 31st of January and 1st of February 2018.
The city of IASI is nominee in the section of “Emerging City of the Year – CEE (ex-Poland)”. The organizers of the gala have invited the Mr. Mihai Chirica, the Mayor of IASI, to be part of the jury and will also have the occasion to present in a special session the key attraction points of Iasi in front of the biggest players of the European IT & Outsourcing industry.
CONDUENT (, one of the region’s largest employers in this field, is nominee in both “BPO firm of the year – CEE” category and “Top Employer Branding Initiative” category, with the locations from IASI, Romania and LODZ, Poland.
Also, the FAB LAB IASI project ( ), the biggest coworking space in the region is a nominee in the category of “Best University – Business cooperation of the Year” for the partnership with “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi.
We want to emphasize some of the Romanian nominations at this gala besides the above three: Allianz Technology – Actuarial Support Center (Most unique services provider – CEE), SSC Heroes with operations in Hungary, Poland and Romania (Top Recruitment Firm of the Year).
PIN Magazine, the magazine of the regional IT & Outsourcing industry ( is an event media partner and will cover this event for Romania.
CEE Shared Services and Outsourcing Awards Gala is at the 6th edition and will have as audience around 300 opinion leaders, with more than 50 being international firms interested in setting up or expanding their business services centres in central Europe. The awards gala will be preceded by a half-day Summit of discussion panels covering the shared services and outsourcing sector; break-out sessions with deep insights into specific issues driving the sector.
With both local and international media organizations present, the CEE Shared Services and Outsourcing Awards Gala also promotes the CEE region as a world-class business services destination for global companies operating across Europe, North America and Asia.
Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) is well-established as a world-class destination for Shared Services centres and BPO investment. With Poland the strongest location in the region, other countries such as Hungary, Czech Republic, Romania, Lithuania and Latvia are important investment destinations. Global shared services firms, business services projects and sector professionals will be presented with awards of acknowledgment – by an independent jury from the industry – for their contribution to the development of the business services sector in CEE for 2017.
More details about the gala on:

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