Publicația industriei TECH regionale

dotnetdays – the most ambitious .NET conference in Romania

Dotnetdays is a conference focused on .NET, software architecture and Microsoft related technologies that takes place annually in Iasi, Romania.

The first edition took place at the beginning of 2019 and was a great success. It gathered around 150 .NET developers from the local community, with seniority ranging from mid to senior.

The Mission

We crafted the dotnetdays conference driven by a great passion for technology and our local community.

We wanted to learn from the best by watching and listening to deep technical talks from awesome speakers that inspire us. But most of all, we wanted to bring the same passion for sharing in our .NET community.

In the beginning, we had a big desire to put Iasi on the map as a powerful resource and home of talented .NET developers and little know-how on how to bring it to life. We knew we wanted an awesome .NET conference within a walking distance. So, even though we had no idea what the outcome will be, we gave it a try.

After months of hard work and many intensive meetups with our .NET community, the idea was brought to life in the form of an event with great feedback and a very good response from the community and everyone involved.

Today, dotnetdays is mostly about:    providing a platform where developers can exchange knowledge and experiences about .Net and connected technologies.

  •   showcasing the energy and enthusiasm of the .NET community members to global players
  •   placing Romania on the map as a powerful resource and home of talented .NET developers
  •   helping the .NET community to keep up with the new waves of technologies, and
  •   having our awesome .NET-related conference within a walking distance.

While the mission didn’t change, our ambition grows even stronger for the next edition.

About the 2020 Edition

The second edition will take place between 26-29 February 2020 at the International Hotel in Iasi, Romania. All hands on deck are working hard to deliver one of the best .NET conferences in Eastern Europe.

The event will be structured into 4 days of intensive technical talks and workshops, with lots of hands-on experiences:      

  •   2 days of intensive workshops
  • 1 full-day of free workshops delivered by wonderful people in the DotNetIasi community – FREE registration 
  •  1 full-day conference with national and international speakers

The schedule for the second edition is yet to be finalized, but most of the already confirmed speakers are present for the first time in Romania. They are experts in their field, with major conferences in Europe and the USA under their belts. With 15+ years of experience, they are authors of books and libraries commonly used by .NET developers.

The line-up is great, featuring so far:

  •   Alex Thissen – Cloud Architect Architect & Microsoft MVP
  •   Dennis Doomen – Author of FluentAssertions
  •   Jon Galloway – Technical Evangelist Microsoft, Executive Director of
  •   Alex Mang – Microsoft MVP and Regional Director
  •   Dennis van der Stelt – part of NServiceBus team
  •   Martin Beeby – Principal Developer Evangelist at Amazon

And that’s not all. More surprises will be announced in the following months.

From the .NET community, for the love of .NET.

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