Who from IASI is coming to USA-CEE IT & Software Matchmaking Day in New York, 19 June? The 1st annual USA-CEE IT & Software Matchmaking Day connects top CEE IT talent with American companies (both software/IT firms and non-IT firms) in search of top IT and Software talent.
Set for 19 June 2018, the USA-CEE IT & Software Matchmaking Day is a pre-day event prior to the 20th June USA-Europe Shared Services Summit and Awards.
US companies – often with operations spanning the globe – are voracious consumers of IT and software programming talent. As the digital world increasingly permeates all corners of every business, the demand for Tech Talent grows incessantly.
Both US operating companies and software companies are looking beyond US borders to fulfill their IT needs. The USA-CEE IT & Software Matchmaking Day aims to match these US companies with top talent in CEE.
Carmen Ciulacu, CEO şi Co-fondator, Digital Stack – dezvoltator de cursuri personalizate de IT pentru angajaţi: „Oamenii sunt în centrul activității noastre. Am reușit să redefinim educația în IT din România”
Digital Stack a devenit, încă din 2019 – anul lansării, un partener esențial pentru companiile care își doresc să rămână competitive într-un mediu aflat în