Publicația industriei TECH regionale

Codeless Romania Announces Relocation to New Office in Palas Iași


Iași, June 5th – Codeless Romania, a leading software provider specialized in modernizing legacy software, is delighted to announce the successful relocation to a new office in Palas Iasi, effective from May 2nd, 2023. This move represents an exciting milestone in Codeless Romania’s growth and expansion strategy. 

The new office, strategically located in the prestigious Palas Iasi complex, United Business Center 4 office building, reflects Codeless Romania’s commitment to providing an exceptional work environment for its employees, fostering collaboration and continuous innovation. With modern infrastructure and state-of-the-art facilities, the new office space is designed to inspire creativity and optimize productivity. 

The decision to move to Palas Iasi was driven by several key factors. The location offers a vibrant business ecosystem, providing Codeless Romania with access to a highly skilled talent pool and potential partnerships with other leading organizations in the area. Furthermore, Palas Iasi’s convenient transportation links and proximity to major amenities make it an ideal choice for the company’s operations. 

„We are thrilled to establish our new office in Palas Iasi,” said Gabriel Csergő, Operations Manager of Codeless Romania. „This move represents an important step forward in our growth journey. The new office provides an ideal space for our talented team to thrive, collaborate, and continue delivering exceptional software solutions to our valued clients.”

Codeless PIN magazine

Codeless Romania remains committed to driving innovation and maintaining the highest level of service excellence during this transition. Clients and partners can expect the same dedication, expertise, and commitment to quality that have been the hallmarks of the company’s success. 

All contact information, including the company’s phone numbers, email addresses, and website URL, remain unchanged. The new address for Codeless Romania is: 

Codeless Romania 

Strada Palat 3C

UBC 4, 1st floor

700032, Iași


About Codeless Romania:   

Codeless Romania is a leading provider of innovative software solutions, specialized in modernizing outdated software for businesses with unique business processes using the Copy To Innovate method. This method results in a risk-free transition from old to new software for a fixed price. With a commitment to excellence, Codeless Romania creates the best software for businesses and their ambitions, helps them streamline their operations, optimize efficiency, and achieve their digital transformation goals. Codeless Romania is part of Codeless Technology B.V. with close to 100 colleagues and offices located in Netherlands (Dordrecht), Romania (Iasi) and United Arab Emirates (Dubai). For more information, visit

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